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Hindsight is 2020
2020 is almost behind us now, but the challenges remain. How to reduce the transmission of COVID-19. How to address the health inequities...
Employee ownership trusts: key to an inclusive economy
"When employees have a chance to participate financially in the growth of their companies, everyone benefits"—Social Capital Partners
A plan to rebuild local economies
As we re-build in the wake of COVID-19, we should create more sustainable and equitable local economies.
Why inequality must be linked to climate emergency action
The more a bold and transformative climate plan is seen as linked to an ambitious plan to tackle inequality, economic insecurity, poverty...
The road to a just recovery
Mid-September is upon us—but it doesn’t look like previous Septembers. The kids are masked up and education workers are attempting a...
COVID-19 is inspiring healthier street design in Canadian cities
As communities adjust to the realities of the COVID-19 pandemic, a vibrant global discussion is taking place about how cities should...
A plan for a just recovery
The AFB Recovery Plan is a collective blueprint for how Canada can get through this crisis in the short, medium, and long term. It closes...
The keys to an inclusive economy
Ted Howard, author of The Making of a Democratic Economy, sat down with London Pillar Non-Profit Network's Michelle Baldwin to talk about...
Four cornerstones of an inclusive economy
Public anchor institutions, community-owned enterprises, community benefit agreements, and a living wage are the ingredients of an...
A green and inclusive recovery for Canada
Our path forward: Many people, cities and countries are realizing that going back to “business as usual” is not desirable. London Poverty...
More than 1 in 5 Canadian professionals in precarious jobs: report
Despite their high level of education, credentials, skills, and even experience, 22% of Canadian professionals are in precarious jobs....
Toward a more equitable, inclusive, sustainable society
The impacts of COVID-19 are so profound that even re-emergence won’t look like previous recent shocks to the economic system.
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